Welcoming Families

Families with children of all ages are welcome at All Saints. During the Sunday 10a.m. service we run Young Saints – our Sunday School for children aged 3 and above. We have a creche corner at the back of church with toys for babies and toddlers, and a selection of books for children who would prefer to stay in the service with their parents. Once a month the 10a.m. Sunday service is an all age worship service where the children and young people take an active role in worship. Periodically we run a Messy Church service. This is a service especially for families and you can read more about it here. Young people aged eight and over are also very welcome to join the church choir. On Fridays between 10-11.30am we run the Tiny Saints Toddler Group for pre-school children and their mums, dads and carers.

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A general information leaflet which includes details of activities for families can be found here.

Young Saints

Tiny Saints

The Tiny Saints Babies' and Toddlers' Group is a Pre-School Playgroup with a Christian theme - Pre-school children and their mums, dads and carers are welcome.