All Saints Boyne Hill, Maidenhead

Holy Week - Easter Services 2021


For the second year running we will not be able to use  the beautiful All Saints Church due in part to the consequences of the pandemic but also because we have begun work on restoring the floor of George Street’s wonderful building. We are able to offer a mix of physically gathered services in the Parish Centre and Virtual Services on Zoom as below.


Please note the requirement to book for the Easter Day physical services in the Parish Centre.

Please see the latest Parish News for updates and CLICK HERE for detailed service information with links where needed.

Do also check with the calendar on the front page of the website.


Palm Sunday 28th March

10.00 am          Morning Prayer and Blessing of Palms on ZOOM


Monday in Holy Week 29th March

7.30 pm            Eucharist in the Parish Centre


Tuesday in Holy Week 30th March

7.30 pm            Eucharist in the Parish Centre


Wednesday in Holy Week 31st March

10.00 am          Eucharist in the Parish Centre


Maundy Thursday 1st April

7.30 pm            Eucharist of the Last Supper and Foot Washing on ZOOM

                       Guest Preacher FR Nicholas Cheeseman

9.00 pm            The service is followed by the Watch in the Parish Centre until midnight.

11.50 pm          Night Prayer – Compline in the Parish Centre


Good Friday 2nd April

3.00pm             Stations of the Cross and The Passion Readings on ZOOM

                        The Passion of Christ, John 18, 1-19, 2,

                        Good Friday Sermon – Fr Kevin Scully

                        Ending with prayer in front of the cross with reflective music.


Holy Saturday 3rd April

8.00pm             Easter Ceremonies on ZOOM,

                         The Paschal Candle lit, The Exultet is sung

                         and Baptismal Vows are renewed.

                         Sharing of celebratory drinks and snacks on Zoom after the service.


Easter Day 4th  April   - Alleluia! Christ is Risen, He is Risen indeed, Alleluia!

10.00 am          Parish Eucharist to celebrate Easter Day in the Parish Centre

11.30 am          Parish Eucharist to celebrate Easter Day in the Parish Centre

  4.00 pm          Easter Story for children followed by Easter Egg Hunt in the Quadrangle.

  6.00 pm          Parish Eucharist to celebrate Easter Day in the Parish Centre





Easter-Tide lasts for fifty days from Easter Day until Pentecost. Let us all keep the Feast until the coming of the Holy Spirit on the birthday of the Church.


With prayers and every blessing for a joyful Eastertide


Fr Jeremy & Monika,

A multi-page pdf with service details and Zoom Links is available to download below.

A pdf of the Holy Week Easter Services Overview is also available to download below.