Art Course for Lent 2018

On three Thursdays, with the help of Matt Firth, we will be looking at how some of the Saints have been depicted in Art. The evenings will also include a short reflection and a Taize chant.
Thursday 22nd February 7.30pm in church. The theme will include how St Ignatius is depicted in art plus 3 paintings on the Flight into Egypt. We will look at how we see God in others and our focus will be on modern day refugees.
Thursday 1st March 7.30pm in Parish Centre. We will be looking at how St Teresa of Avila is depicted in art plus 3 paintings on St Paul’s spiritual journeys. Our focus will be on Christian journeys.
Thursday 8th March 7.30pm in Parish Centre. Looking at how St Catherine of Sienna was depicted in art plus 3 paintings on unconditional love. Our focus will be on unconditional love.