Bishop Andrew Commissioned Year of Mission - Sunday 11th February at St Luke’s
Bishop Andrew commissioned the congregations of St Luke’s, The Church of the Good Shepherd and All Saints for our joint Year of Mission at a short but important service as we began the year of mission.
The first main activity will be from 18th—28th March, when, with the Riding Lights Theatre Company, we will lead a variety of activities in the churches and in our schools and other places.
We will share Palm Sunday morning worship that day at the Desborough Suite (The People’s Passion). This will be preceded by "ROUGHSHOD DELIVER" on Saturday evening 24th March at St. Luke's - Please do join us - more details below...........
If anyone thinks they might be able to offer accommodation to one of the team of five please do have a word with Nicola or Sally at St. Luke's.
Other events will be a day in the early summer on living as a Christian 24/7, a day on the Psalms at the start of Advent, and a day on prayer at the start of Lent 2019. We believe we have engaged some well known speakers for these days.
A Year of mission: ROUGHSHOD: DELIVER
Five young people in search of their futures reveal some surprising stories of hope in their new faith-filled show for 2018.
A passenger on a train gets help from an unexpected stranger, a community is transformed by a shattering lesson, a small time crook gets an offer he can’t refuse…
Mixing comedy, dramatic storytelling, spoken word and the personal experience of the actors themselves, Riding Lights Roughshod deliver a show that asks: what happens when God intervenes in ordinary lives?
In an anxious world of mixed messages it can be hard to find truth among the headlines.
Join our five performers for an energetic, entertaining show about faith, hope and everything in between.
Saturday 24th March, 7.00 pm, at St. Luke’s Church. Tickets £5 pp, available from Eventbrite soon (details of how to book to come). Make a note in your diaries and invite your friends.
More to follow.......................................