Congregational TimeLine Event - Nov 29th 2015
*** UPDATE *** ---Thank you to everyone who has contributed to the congregational timeline - this is currently hosted (for a short period) on the boards at the back of the Church and there is still an opportunity to add additional events if you wish ---- At the 8:00am and 10:00 services on Sunday Nov 29th the PMC Team, as part of our PMC journey, will share with our Congregation an opportunity to develop a timeline for All Saints Church. Please click through for more information about PMC here, and a copy of a notice with more information can be found here.
Thank you for your help in developing our All Saints Church Timeline. It will be used, together with the Listening Survey, to get a deeper understanding of our church.
The horizontal Timeline represents decades between All Saints Church beginning in 1857 and now.
Please can you think about three events and write a few words about it on the appropriately coloured sticker:
=> Red letter day-this is an important date/time/or person.
=> Blue day-this is a day which you may be sad about or a day you have since reflected on as being a date/day you may not have been proud of.
=> Green day-this is a date which you feel gives hope for the future as a church.
The Partnership in Missional Church Team would like to give thanks for God’s faithfulness in the past, God’s continuing presence, and the promise of God’s companionship with us into an unknown future.
For information some significant dates in the history of All Saints may be viewed here.