Pastoral Care Meeting - Wed 15th Feb 2:00 pm

Many thanks to everyone who attended the Pastoral Care meeting and offered assistance, as the team develops we will keep everyone informed. - We are looking to develop a team of people willing to offer pastoral care to various care homes and day centres. This would involve helping with monthly short services. There may also be a need to offer prayers or read bible passages to residents in their own rooms, who are unable to join the service in the day rooms. Although many of the residents are suffering from dementia, it is wonderful to see them joining in or recognising the familiar hymns, readings and prayers we use.
If you feel you might be able to help with this valuable ministry, or would like to simply find out more about what is involved, please come to a meeting at 2.00pm on Wednesday 15th February in the Birinus Room. Please contact Jeanette Lock for more information.