Support Fr Jeremys sponsored Jog on Sunday (26th) to raise money for local Hospices as part of the 2.6 Challenge

Posted by R.Broad on April 24, 2020

Achieved - well done Fr Jeremy who says:-

According to Fitbit I have run 21.24 km in just over the 2hours I gave myself. Lilly was with me for 1 hr 20 and then I put her in the house and ran hard without throwing any balls! 

On Sunday Fr Jeremy is going to run around his garden for 2 one hour slots and 57 seconds (his time in 2010) with his dog Lilly in memory of the Reading Half Marathon race and for the 2.6 challenge that has been organised to raise some money for charities.

Fr Jeremy comments "I am going to try and raise some money for Alexander Divine Children’s Hospice and the Thames Hospice. If it goes well, I may take on some other challenges to help support some of the other charities we as a church would normally help through the year."

Please support these charities if you feel able to.

Fr Jeremy asks that donations either be made by cheque (or transfer) to All Saints Church Fund and we will pass on these according to your wishes, or, more conveniently, direct to the Hospices Just Giving pages as follows:-

Alexander Devine Children’s Hospice  -  at


The Thames Hospice – at


Thank you for your support and we wish Fr Jeremy every success in the fundraise.


See Fr Jeremy running in the video below......