A Year of Mission - Public Events and Performances by Riding Lights Theatre Group and Palm Sunday Worship at the Town Hall

During our Year of Mission All Saints will work with St Luke’s and Cox Green to have a year focusing on mission in our parishes. Bishop Andrew has some (generous) funding to enable us to put on some specific activities and events and to reflect on how we might share our faith with those around us—and then do it more effectively.
We hope most people can come and join us at the events, many of which we will be joined by Fr. Jeremy from All Saints, Revd Joan from the Church of the Good Shepherd and Revd Sally from St Luke's along with friends from their parishes.
Information on A Year of Mission can be found here - this will be updated during the year.
The first main activity will be from 18th—28th March, with the Riding Lights Theatre Company, when, after a welcome launch on Sunday 18th March, we will lead a variety of activities in churches, in schools and in other places.
There will be a Messy Church at the Church of the Good Shepherd, Cox Green, for Children of Primary School age, with Roughshod sketches, on Friday 23rd March at 3:30pm
More info on Riding Lights / Roughshod can be found here and here - or in the video below
There will be a Public Performance, not to be missed, on Saturday 24th March followed by Joint Palm Sunday Worship on Sunday 25th March in the Desborough Suite at the Town Hall.
The worship will incorporate the Liturgy of Palm Sunday which will commence with the distribution of Palm Crosses as we arrive.
Roughshod will lead "The Peoples Passion" which will be a fitting and contemplative start to Holy Week.
As well as the Joint Worship there will be a Book of Common Prayer Service at 8:00am and also an evening service which will be a Sung Stations of the Cross Service at 6:00pm, at All Saints, open to all.
More information can be found here.