Coronavirus (COVID-19) guidance - And a Services update from Fr Jeremy

UPDATE 05 06 2022
‘Holy Communion should now be offered in both kinds ‘unless there are clear and objective reasons not to do so’. Clearly there will be people who would prefer not to receive the common cup and as was always the case it will be perfectly acceptable to receive communion in one kind. From Sunday 12th June we will have one or two chalice assistants offering the cup to those that wish to receive.
From the same weekend the PCC also agreed to offer the collection plate for those who wish to give cash through the plate. The contactless machine will still be provided at the back of the church for those that prefer this method of giving. Can I take this opportunity to write that while all offerings are gratefully received to support the ministry of Christ’s Church the ‘Parish Giving Scheme’ is the method of planned giving that enabled the Oxford Diocese to sustain excellent financial support throughout the pandemic. All Saints too has benefited thanks to the support of those who offer this planned monthly giving through their bank. It does mean that the church PCC can budget for the future more confidently. In whatever way you give as an individual or asa family.MayI take this opportunity to thank you as we try to serve the communities of Boyne Hill, Larchfield and Altwood.
For more details please click here to see the Parish News issue 109
UPDATE 16 03 2022
With the relaxing of rules and protocols for Covid we suggest that one half of the Church building (Lady Chapel) be kept for those who prefer masks and the other side for those feeling confident enough to worship without masks.
UPDATE 09 02 2022
Rules are relaxing throughout the country, however you will still want to feel confident in Church. It would be good if people who have any doubts could take a lateral flow test before coming to church just so that people feel safe. It remains important to wear a properly fitting facemask that gives a tight cover over the nose. The time will come when we can enjoy singing again but we need to think of other people first
UPDATE 17 12 2021
Covid precautions remain in place.
Please note for the Family Crib Service on Christmas Eve at 4:00pm this year:-
We will go through the Church on entry before going out into the Quadrangle to sing carols.
We will then return through the Church in small numbers to pray at the Crib before leaving Church with a chocolate.
UPDATE 17 11 2021
From next Sunday - 21st Nov 2021 - as the floor project reaches completion services will return to the Church from the Parish Centre. A message from Fr Jeremy:-
Dear Parishioners and Friends of All Saints, Boyne Hill,
It has been a very long time since we were able to write with any confidence that we can return to church for worship within a building that will not only have a restored floor, but a brand-new sound system and all being well, if our heating engineers can find the small but significant missing link to the system a warm building! If we add the disruption caused to the world with the pandemic and the worries and concerns that this has brought to so many people’s lives, it seems an awfully long time since we were able to celebrate as a congregation at All Saints.
In the coming weeks it is my prayer that people will return to worship Jesus our Lord in the building George Street designed to offer worship to the glory of God, education to the young and pastoral care within the community. There is good reason to share within the community of All Saints over the coming weeks. On Sunday 28 November we will be celebrating with the Royal British Legion at our 10.00am Eucharist 100 years of wonderful service to families whose loved ones have served this country in times of conflict. Following the service in the morning our first ever Christmas Market in the Quadrangle will take place.
I look forward to seeing you all in the future.
Fr Jeremy
Update 12 11 2021
The service to commemorate Remembrance Sunday on the 14th Nov. will be held in the Parish Centre.
Full re-commissioning of the heating system is scheduled to take place next week.
UPDATE 10 11 2021 - Returned to Church
With the majority of the floor work completed Sunday Services are now live in the Church.
Wednesday services are still in the Parish Centre and some Sundays at Six are on Zoom
Please check the calendar.
Please note that work in the Church is not yet fully completed.
UPDATE 28 10 2021 - Return to Church
We plan to return to church to worship on Sundays 7 and 14 November at 10.00am. It needs to be made clear however that the church will not be finished at this point.
We are hoping that the building will be finished ready for the celebration service on Sunday 28 November when we will remember 100 years of the service of the Royal British Legion and the beginning of a new Christian Year as the season of Advent is marked.
This will be the start of a series of important services when we will welcome the schools for their Christmas services, and we will look forward to our Christingle, Carol and Crib services before the celebration of Midnight Mass and Christmas morning.
Mask wearing for singing will continue to apply.
UPDATE 13 10 2021 - SINGING
Following requests singing will now take place in the Parish Centre by those in the congregation who may wish to sing.
This is requested to be as quiet as possible and, in the interest of others, it is requested that people wishing to sing do so whilst wearing a mask.
The impact of this will be monitored and any changes needed will be advised.
It is hoped that, after the floor project completes, there will be a return to the Church around mid to late November.
Thank you for bearing with us during this trying time and we look forward to returning to Church as soon as possible.
Singing in the Church will be reviewed, however as this is a larger space it is hoped that there will be room for those who wish to sing and for those who do not.
UPDATE 22 07 2021
Following the relaxation in respect of Covid All Saints is taking a cautious approach and requests that everyone continue with the practice of signing in, wearing masks, using hand sanitiser and social distancing.
Following a review we hope that everyone will understand that a cautious approach is sensible, especially whilst services are in the Parish Centre.
This will remain under continuous review and hopefully further relaxation will be possible when services return to the Church after the floor project completes.
UPDATE 11 04 2021
Commencing today there will be a mixture of on-line and in-person services in the Parish Centre - please see the calendar - demand for these different services will be monitored and may be adjusted accordingly - this will be advised in the Parish News and in the calendar.
UPDATE 20 03 21
The Holy Week Easter Service Schedule is now on the web-site here.
Please note these are a mix of on-line and in-person services in the Parish Centre.
UPDATE 13 03 2021
Starting on Wednesday 17th March 2021 there with be a Live, in person, Eucharist in the Parish Centre on Wednesday mornings.
Hopefully this will be the first steps in re-opening the Church to services.
As we re-open, and whilst the floor restoration is in progress, we plan to hold a mix of live services in the Parish Centre along with Zoom services to meet the needs of as many people as possible.
Due to the limited capacity in the Parish Centre there will need to be a booking procedure introduced.
UPDATE 05 01 2021
We are sorry to announce that Fr Jeremy and members of the All Saints Standing Committee have decided to close the church for services at this time. This decision has been made with a heavy heart but is due to the large numbers of positive tests for coronavirus within Windsor and Maidenhead and the number of vulnerable people within the community. We are offering recorded services, zoom services and other activities in the coming weeks. Please see the front page calendar on the All Saints Web-Site for details. We hope to re-open the church for services as soon as we are able to do so safely. Please do check back regularly.
UPDATE 04 01 2021
During the newly announced 2021 National Lockdown it is most probable that Services will be on-line via Zoom or recorded - the offering is currently being reviewed and the Calendar Entries below will be updated accordingly.
Please check back for updates.
UPDATE 19/12/2020
We are now in Tier 4 - Services can go ahead as planned and in the Calendar - this will be reviewed next week and any changes will be posted.
UPDATE 18/12/2020
We are now in Tier 3 - however the Christmas Services can still go ahead as planned, subject to the Tier 3 rules, which include:-
Public worship in church, churchyard or other premises where church services are routinely held:-
Permitted as an organised gathering provided any person attending is:
- • alone or
- • part of group all from the same household or from two linked households or
- • part of group all from the same linked Christmas households (23 – 27 December only)
and must not join any other group or mingle with any person from another group.
NB non-household groups of 6 are not permitted.
A Listing of Christmas Services can be found HERE - and in the Calendar on the Front Page.
Please also be aware that:-
All Saints Church, Boyne Hill
To enable us to open we have set up 4 teams for cleaning who have all risk assessed and they are cleaning the building ready for private prayer and now for services. The church has been prepared following Government advice and that of the Church of England ready for people to attend worship. We have had to limit the number of people able to be seated in the building to approximately 40 and we have a one way system through the building.
We are hoping that some people will feel able to join us to be the gathered community to pray on behalf of the wider parish. We will pray too for those that are unable to join us. We will be continuing to offer the recorded services, directing you to the Church of England and Diocesan services and offering the Newsletter.
The services that we offer (unless stated) will be will be Eucharistic but will be very simple with no singing and any responses must be said quietly.
If you feel that you may have symptoms of coronavirus – do not come to church services – stay at home and self-isolate.
If you are the ‘vulnerable’ category please think carefully before attending. You need to make your own decision based on how comfortable you feel about going to a public place.
- The church will be open half an hour before the start of the service
- If you have to queue please keep the 2 metre social distancing
- The seating is set for 2 metre social distancing unless you live within the same household. Members of the same household may sit together.
- On entry please use the hand gel provided and ideally use a disposable mask that either we provide or that you have brought yourself.
- On arrival you will be asked for your name and telephone number that we will keep for 21days to help with track and tracing.
- Once you are in your seat please remain there until communion.
- During the peace please just turn to your neighbour and merely bow or raise one hand palm out.
- At communion maintain distancing as you come forward in a single file and then receive communion at arm’s length from the priest. I will have used gel on my hands before placing the wafer in your hands. There will be gel on the front pew for you to use before receiving too. There communion will be only in one kind and having received go back to your seat via the side aisles.
- Please avoid touching any surfaces unnecessarily.
- Please be patient with those in front of you and allow them time to move first so that social distancing is not compromised.
- There will be no offertory but if you wish to leave an offering place in the plate, or use the contactless machine, positioned on exit into the quadrangle.
- Sadly, we will not be able to offer hospitality at this time.
- Once you arrive in the quadrangle still maintain distancing even if you want to speak to someone.
I know that this all sounds so strange but at least it enables us to worship again at All Saints. Please think carefully before returning, without putting yourself or others at risk. If you would like to speak to me about any concerns you may have please contact me on 01628 626921 or 07854275260 or email
UPDATE 03/12/2020
From Sunday 6th Dec All Saints will restart spoken services on Sunday and Wednesday mornings along with being open for private prayer on Sunday mornings. There will also be some services via "Zoom" - please see the calendars.
Please note that the Christmas Services will also be posted soon.
UPDATE 01/11/2020
In line with the government announced lockdown the Church will now only have a limited opening for private prayer.
Fr Jeremy will also host a several "Zoom" services and recordings during the week.
There is a summary of the plans for the next four weeks below - however, in these uncertain times, this may change - please check the calendar frequently on the front page HERE
- Monday night informal prayers – 7pm – 7.30pm on Zoom. This offers the chance to listen to an introduction on an area of ministry followed by prayer
- Wednesday 10am-11am Private prayers
- Thursdays throughout November – Jeanette and Jeremy offering a bible study at 7pm -7.45pm via Zoom
- Thursdays 8pm Night Prayer via Zoom
- Sundays 9am Simple morning prayer from the blue book with a talk for the theme of the day plus a hymn and prayers. Via Zoom
- Sundays 10am -11am Private prayers
- Sundays – Every other Sunday evening night prayer at 6 with our two neighbouring parishes. Via Zoom
UPDATE 03/07/2020
The Church will be open for a short, 10:00am, Spoken Eucharist on Sundays and Wednesdays, doors open from 9:30am
Private Prayer will now be between 11am and 12noon on Sundays only.
The first opening being Sunday 5th July 2020.
Please click HERE for full information and a message from Fr Jeremy.
UPDATE 24/06/2020
The Church will be open for Private Prayer between 10am and 12noon on Wed and Sundays - the first opening being Sunday 28th June 2020.
Please click HERE for full information and a message from Fr Jeremy.
UPDATE 23/03/2020 - FOLLOWING THE RECENT GOVERNMENT ADVICE THE CHURCH IS NOW CLOSED FOR ALL ACTIVITIES UNTIL FURTHER NOTICE -- Should you wish to male contact please click here for further information.
A message from Archbishop Justin Welby on the need to keep church buildings closed - please click to see on YouTube
Please see the front page of the website for links to information, recorded services and prayer resources.
Fr Jeremy's Newsletters and a weekly Parish News can be found HERE
UPDATE 17/03/2020 - ALL GATHERINGS FOR SERVICES NOW PUT ON HOLD - We hope to update shortly
Further Guidance and Information is available from the following sites (which are not under the control of All Saints Church and the links are for convenience only):-
Public Health England which can be found HERE
The Diocese of Oxford which can be found HERE
The Church of England which can be found HERE
The Government Advice site which can be found HERE
The NHS which can be found HERE
The Frimley Health site (including Wexham Park Hospital) which can be found HERE
A Downloadable guide from Frimley Health for patients (or any-one who feels they may be infected) can be found HERE
A Downloadable easy guide to Corona Virus / Covid-19 can be found HERE
Please note that due to the rapidly changing situation these links may not work or the sites may not be up to date - please verify any information before acting upon it - please advise the Parish Office if any of the links are broken.
Frimley Health Heroes on the frontline
NHS staff tackling the coronavirus outbreak
Fr Jeremy's regular blog can be found HERE
As well as links to guidance pages Fr. Jeremy is writing to inform you that the Archbishops of Canterbury and York, The Most Revd & Rt Hon Justin Welby and The Most Revd & Rt Hon John Sentamu have issued the following information.
‘It is our view, in light of the continued increase of Covid-19 cases in the United Kingdom, that is now necessary to suspend the administration of the chalice as well as physical contact during the sharing of the peace, blessing or ‘Laying on of hands’.
We therefore advise that priests should:-
Offer communion in one kind only to all communicants i.e the consecrated bread/wafer/host, with the priest alone taking the wine. The Church of England’s theology states that we are fully in communion with our Lord in both or either of gifts of bread and wine.
Suspend handshaking or direct physical contact during the sharing of the peace;
Suspend direct physical contact as part of a blessing or ‘laying on of hands’
Following this advice, I have met with our churchwardens’ Ken and Ann, Rod Broad and Jeanette Lock. We have agreed to ask all of you to follow the Church of England guidelines recommendations which are:-
Please take personal hygiene seriously through washing of hands, use of tissues and disinfectant hand gels. We also remind you that you can use the washing facilities at the parish centre.
We will discontinue the use of Holy water stoups.
At All Saints we will look to make sure that we are keeping the church as clean as possible. At the moment it is felt that the hymn books and Orders of service are only used on Sundays and should pose no threat of contamination. As we move forward we will continue to communicate with you via the website and the pew sheet.
Jeremy Nordberg has sent me information from his parish priest Fr Tony in France who shares the following story to illustrate that these measures should be considered in the light and context of our faith.
A man who was in the middle of a flood and the waters rose so high he had to perch on the roof of his house. He was a devout man whose faith was strong, and he knew in his heart that God would save him. Anyway, several people passed by, one on a raft, one in a boat and another in a helicopter. Each one offered to rescue the man but he refused and said he would trust only in God. Eventually the waters engulfed him and he drowned. In heaven, he complained to God because God had not saved him, to which God replied, but I sent a raft, a boat and a helicopter!’ Fr Tony goes on to say that the Holy Scriptures reveal that God often expects us to co-operate with him – to do something ourselves and not just expect miraculous deliverance.
I was watching interviews from Italy where young professional women were self -isolating not to protect themselves but to stop the virus reaching others particularly the vulnerable. This is the way we should view these times. We are to think about how we support community and as St Paul would argue the weak and vulnerable as well as the bold and strong.
Moving forward we at All Saints are:-
- Forming a Pastoral Care Team to keep in contact with people via phone. This will enable us to help with practical support such as food should you not be feeling well to go out to the shops.
- We will invite you to share your Next of Kin details with us should you need Fr Jeremy or a member of the pastoral team, to make contact with a family member or friend.
- If you did have to self -isolate please let the office know on 01628 621933 so that Fr Jeremy and Jeanette can contact you to offer help.
- We will be offering helpful websites such as ‘Pray as you go’ and Church of England Daily Prayer for spiritual support at home. We will be putting sermons on the website so that you can read alongside the pew sheet with the collect and readings.
Bishop Olivia has asked that we stay calm (No panic buying which impacts on others), be caring and make phone calls, send messages, letters, cards and offer food to others as a sign that we care. Be considerate in acting collectively to prevent the spread. It is not about me, it’s about us. Finally, we should be Christ-like by living hopefully, loving generously and praying earnestly – let’s bless each other by the way we behave.
To return to Fr Tony of ST Michaels, Beaulieu Sur Mer who says we must have faith and quotes the prayer of Saint Francis de Sales
‘Do not look forward anxiously to what may happen tomorrow;
The same everlasting Father who cares for you today
Will take care of you tomorrow and every day.
Either He will shield you from suffering,
Or He will give you unfailing strength to bear it.
Be at peace, then, put aside all anxious thoughts and imaginations,
And say continually: The Lord is my strength and shield;
My heart has trusted in Him and I am helped
He is not only with me, but in me and I in Him.’
Please be assured of our prayers at this time,
Fr Jeremy, Our Church wardens Ken and Ann, our deputy warden Stella, Our Treasurer Rod and Jeanette of our Pastoral Care Team.