Messy Church
What is Messy Church?
Messy church was launched at All Saints in 2007, to provide a different style of worship that would appeal to families. We meet about every three months on a Sunday between 4.30-6.30pm at All Saints Church and Parish Hall. There are no age restrictions and all are very welcome to join in.
What happens at Messy Church?
The format for each session remains loosely the same, with each session based around a different theme and lasting for about two hours. For the first 45 minutes “messy” activities are offered relating to the theme – during past sessions we have made masks, decorated biscuits, and decorated Joseph’s coat. It is a time for everyone to get creative and get stuck in. Following the activities is a short service (approx 30mins). This is simple in style, with the children encouraged to join in and show everyone the things that have been made. Communion is offered and worship is sung, accompanied by the guitar. We finish off by sharing a meal, giving everyone to a chance to sit down and chat – adults and children alike.
We hope you will be able to join us for one (if not all!!) of our sessions and have some fun!
We look forward to seeing you soon.