Tiny Saints meets on Friday mornings in the Parish Centre


For play, creative activities, stories, songs, coffee and chat.


With a Christian theme each week to introduce small children to the teachings of Jesus.


Fridays 10.00 am  - 11.30 am


 Pre-school children and their mums, dads and carers are welcome.


The Tiny Saints Toddlers' Group sessions are held at the Parish Centre. The entrance is at the right hand side of the Church courtyard.

The register and payment box is located at the Parish Centre entrance. Please make sure that you sign in and indicate the number of children you are responsible for as it is a fire safety requirement.

 Although there are helpers around, please remember that you are responsible for all the children in your care.


This years programme (until the Easter Holidays) is listed below:-


Stories for Spring Term 2025


10 January:  Wise Men Visits Jesus                               

17 January:   John Baptises Jesus

24 January:   Going to Egypt

31 January:   The Boy Jesus

7 February:   Jesus Chooses 12 Helpers                                  

14 February: Jesus Loves Us

Half Term

28 February:  Jesus Goes Fishing

7 March :       Lent and Zacchaeus

14 March:      Woman at a Well

21 March:      A Woman’s Big-Little Gift 

28 March:      Mothering Sunday. Baby  Moses  

4  April:         Good Friday and Easter


Happy Easter Holidays!




Recorded Messages and information from Fr Jeremy whilst Tiny Saints was unable to meet in person due to COVID-19/Coronavirus restrictions.

Please keep up to date from the front page of the website and/or Fr Jeremy's regular blog.

Updated 03/05/2020 - Fr Jeremy recorded a Tiny Saints Service from his home.

Updated 10/05/2020 - Fr Jeremy recorded "An Ethiopian Heard About Jesus" service from his home.

Update 17/05/2020 - Fr Jeremy recorded "Saul Becomes Jesus' Friend" from his home.

Update 24/05/2020 - Fr Jeremy recorded "The Holy Spirit Comes" from his home.

Update 13/11/2020 - Fr Jeremy recorded "Sharing Jesus's Love - A Tiny Saints Service" from his home.

See below:-

Dear Tiny Saints and mums, dads and grandparents,


Messages from Fr Jeremy from when Tiny Saints was unable to meet in person due to the Covid pandemic.


We are missing you all very much not being able to meet on Friday’s at the moment. We do hope though that you are all enjoying family time together and perhaps singing some of your favourite Tiny Saints songs at home.

I know Tanya is putting together some small activities for you to use at home for the theme each week. We all hope that you will enjoy doing the activity.

This Sunday is of course Easter Sunday. This is the day we find good news of hope.

In our Tiny Saints Bible we hear the following story;

Some Women Visit Jesus’ Tomb

There is an angel! Do you see it? The angel is talking to Jesus’ friends. ‘He is risen!’ the angel says. Jesus is alive again! Come and see where his body is lying.’ The women go into the tomb. The angel is right. Jesus is not there. He has risen from the dead.

Now there is another angel! Go and tell the Good News,’ the angel says. That’s what the women will do. They will share the Easter news of New life.


To parents of Tiny Saints


If you have any prayer requests perhaps for people you are worried about or people you want to thank like doctors and nurses please let Tanya know. I can pray for them at the Eucharist that II am saying each day at the vicarage.


Finally, Fr Jeremy, Tanya, Carole, Neila and Silvia wish you a very Happy Easter!

Dear Tiny Saints and mums, dads and grandparents,


I hope that you are all keeping well. The All Saints Church and the Tiny Saints leaders have not forgotten you. We want you at home to keep your routine at home and sing your songs.

Last week I sent out the full service but this week I will send you the story of Jesus on the Cross for Good Friday.


Some men are nailing Jesus to a big cross. He has not hurt them. But look what they are doing. Jesus died on the cross. He came to earth to do this. That’s because he loves us so much.

Jesus wants us to help us live in heaven. When we sin, we can’t go there. But Jesus died to take away our sin. He wants to be our Saviour. He will if we ask. Will you ask him?

 In our story today we have a lamb and a rabbit at the cross. Perhaps you can sing Sleeping bunnies at home today Tiny Saints.

Also Ba Ba black sheep

Then use the Tiny Saints Prayer


From all of the Tiny Saints Team we are hoping that you are all keeping well and spending time together as a family.

With my prayers,

Fr Jeremy

Dear Tiny Saints and mums, dads and grandparents,


On the 27th March we had The Last Supper when Jesus shared a meal with his friends. As a reminder:-


Thank you for the world so sweet, thank you for the food we eat, thank you for the birds that sing, thank you God for everything!


Get your parents to draw some bread and a glass of wine

Or draw a plate and a cup to remind us of the story of Jesus’ meal

Play some games

Service time


Light a candle – for Jesus the light of the World


Sing ‘If you happy and you know clap your hands/stamp your feet/nod your head


Story of the Last Supper


What is Jesus doing? He’s breaking bread. He will give it to His friends. This is a special supper. It is the last supper Jesus will have with his friends.

‘Remember me’ He Said. Remember how I die for you.’ The most beautiful service is communion in church. Please remember Jesus when we eat and drink at the service.


If you would like sing Jesus loves me this I know


Then sleeping bunnies ‘See the little bunnies sleeping till noon shall we go and wake them with a merry tune


Oh so still are they ill, wake up bunnies hop little bunnies hop, hop ,hop x3


Then wind the bobbin up, then twinkle, twinkle, little star, baa, baa Black sheep and any others.

Now say the tiny Saints prayer


Two little eyes to look to God;

Two little ears to hear his word,

Two little feet to walk in his ways,

Two little lips to sing his praise

Two little hands to do his will,

One little heart to love him still,

Lord Jesus may I always be , kind and good and true like thee. AMEN.


Now finish with

Jesus love is very wonderful, Jesus Love is very wonderful, Jesus Love is very wonderful o wonderful love

So High you can’t get over it

So low you can’t get under it

So wide you can’t get round it OH wonderful Love

Sing twice.


Thank you Tiny Saints

With my prayers to you all,

Fr Jeremy








The Tiny Saints Toddlers' Group is a Pre-School Playgroup with a Christian theme - Pre-school children and their mums, dads and carers are welcome.


All Saints church is located on ‪Boyn Hill Road in Maidenhead, Berkshire.

‪For further details please contact the church office on 01628 621 933



Location Map All Saints.jpg


All Saints Church

Church Close, Boyne Hill Road

Maidenhead, SL6 4HE 

Tiny Saints Calendar

Feb 14th 10:00 am - 11:30 am
Tiny Saints in the Parish Centre
Feb 28th 10:00 am - 11:30 am
Tiny Saints in the Parish Centre
Mar 07th 10:00 am - 11:30 am
Tiny Saints in the Parish Centre
Mar 14th 10:00 am - 11:30 am
Tiny Saints in the Parish Centre
Mar 21st 10:00 am - 11:30 am
Tiny Saints in the Parish Centre
Mar 28th 10:00 am - 11:30 am
Tiny Saints in the Parish Centre
Apr 04th 10:00 am - 11:30 am
Tiny Saints in the Parish Centre