Birinus Garden Work - With Images of Progress and Completion
Posted by R.Broad on October 12, 2015

Work on the Birinus Garden started on the 12th Oct 2015 and took between one and two weeks. The completed Landscaped work provides a garden for quiet use, use by the local schools, use for Young Saints and for growth of greenery for our flower arrangers. The images above show the Garden ready for work to commence and the Garden after the Landscaping work has been completed.
23/10/2015 - Please scroll to the bottom of this page for images after the work has been completed.
The wonderful work being made to improve the appearance of the Birinus Garden was funded by money given in thanksgiving for the life of Brigitte Ranger's much loved late husband David and by the community of people that supported the All Saints Parish Church summer fete. Thank you to all the people involved in the work to make the garden a place of beauty and a place to quietly reflect.
Below are a few images which record the progress of work:-
The ground is cleared and ready for the work
Materials delivered and work started on the base
The layout is taking shape
Shape becoming more defined

Tuesday second week - Completion is sight for the end of the week....
The Garden Landscape work has been completed - awaiting planting.
One planting area has been reserved for one of our Church Schools and one for our Flower Arrangers - the Landscaped Area is for plants in pots - not for planting through - the grass area will be available for sitting out. Now that the Landscaping has been completed our band of volunteers will be looking after and maintaining the garden.
Many thank to Sam and John from
Garden Utopia for such a good job and excellent workmanship with consideration for neighbours during deliveries.