New beginnings
These autumn days, when we often have lovely weather with cold mornings and bright sunshine later; have a special quality conveying a fresh new start with great anticipation and excitement about new challenges to be faced and achieved.
September has a strong feeling of ‘new beginnings’ for me, as a retired teacher. Today is the beginning of the new academic year when all over the Royal Borough the Autumn Term starts. Four year olds are starting in their Reception Classes looking so grown up in their school uniforms! Older children have new classes and some have new schools today, in their new uniforms. This is the time of a fresh start at colleges and universities. This is also a ‘new beginning’ for other groups and clubs after an August break.
In our recent VJ Commemorations we remembered how 70 years ago there was rejoicing that the War was over, with peace at last. There was hope for lasting peace at that time of new beginnings. Let us help to spread kindness and peace following Jesus’s new commandment to ‘love one another’. (John 13: 34)
Jesus invites us to a fresh experience of His love, saying ‘Come to Me, all you who are weary and burdened, and I will give you rest’. (Matthew 11:28) The Bible tells us about ‘the Lord’s great love’ because ‘His compassions never fail. They are new every morning’, so we say ‘great is Your faithfulness’. (Lamentations 3: 22-23) This autumn can be a ‘new beginning’ discovering more of the love of Jesus; knowing God is with us and helping us in all the challenges and surprises along the way.
Mrs Elizabeth Bryson
Licensed Lay Minister at All Saints, Boyne Hill