Heritage Open Days 2017 - 7th - 9th Sept

Thanks to every-one involved for a very successful three days - the visitor feedback was excellent - the Church was busy and the tours were really well appreciated.
See the report in the Maidenhead Advertiser here.
All Saints is open for this year's Heritage Open Days during 7th-9th Sept
A Grade 1 listed church by George Edmund Street
All Saints is an early neo-gothic church built in 1857 by G E Street with the150ft tower and spire added in 1865, Street was a contemporary of Pugin, Butterfield and Scott and is buried in Westminster Abbey, his most famous building being the Royal Courts of Justice in The Strand, London.The church is of a collegiate style on one side of a grass quadrangle with the old vicarage, parish centre and church houses on the other three sides. it is built of red and black bricks with Bath stone. Inside, the colours are maintained and expanded with the use of polychromatic horizontal lines in green, blue, red and yellow brick, tiles and marble in the chancel.
Architectural, building and history information about All Saints can be found here.
Full details can be seen on the Heritage Open Days web-site here.
More images of All Saints can be found in More Images and Gallery
Please check to confirm opening times which are scheduled to be:-
- Thursday 7 September: 10:00-12:00
- Friday 8 September: 10:00-12:00
- Saturday 9 September: 09:30-16:30; Tours 10:30 & 14:30 - Saturday Only
- The tour times may change to accommodate a planned organ recital on Saturday.
Please feel free to download the leaflet below:-