Join the Church of England on Palm Sunday 5th April for a 9:00am service with the Bishop of Manchester and for Holy Week services

The Bishop of Manchester, David Walker, will put a paper ‘palm’ cross in the window of his Salford home in a national service he will lead for Palm Sunday, marking the start of Holy Week and Easter.
Click through for a link to the Church of England on-line Church which can be found here (or from the front page or from the prayer resources page here)
Click this link to the Church of England on-line Church
You will also find the Church of England Holy Week Schedule here, a summary of which is below:-
Daily and weekly services
Building on the Archbishop of Canterbury and Archbishop of York’s weekly broadcasts which have engaged a large audience, the Palm Sunday broadcast will be recorded by the Bishop of Manchester, David Walker, and the Archdeacon of Manchester, Ven Karen Lund, with Lucy Hargraves from St Peter’s Church in Bolton leading prayers, all from their own homes. Watch on our Facebook page.
On Easter Day the service will be led by Archbishop of Canterbury, with Bishop Rose Hudson-Wilkin reflecting on stories of how churches are stepping up to the challenge of Coronavirus in Canterbury Diocese, and Theo (aged 10) leading the prayers. This broadcast will also be available on the Church of England’s website and Facebook page at 9am each Sunday and Easter Day can also be heard from 8.10am on BBC Radio 4.
The Church will continue to share audio of Prayer During the Day and Night Prayer, which many thousands of people listen to on a regular basis. Christians can join in these services by downloading the free Time to Pray app from Church House Publishing.
Stations of the Cross
Recorded in 2019 by the Archbishop and Archdeacon of Canterbury, with prayers led by Rev Isabelle Hamley, a series of five podcasts will take people on the Holy Week journey by exploring and reflecting on five of the biblical Stations of the Cross. Links to listen to the audio will be shared through the Church’s social media accounts and on the website in the coming days.