Sides Persons Meeting 10:30am Sat 2nd Feb 2019 - Followed by optional pub lunch.

Posted by R.Broad on January 22, 2019

For both existing Sides Persons and those interested in joining the team we will be holding a Sides Persons’ meeting at 10.30am on Saturday 2nd February in the Church. As well as current team members we would be delighted if anyone who would like to know more about this very important role would like to join us too - please let Fr Jeremy or me know and we’ll look forward to having you there. Also, please can those of you coming to the meeting let Fr Jeremy or me know if you would like to have a pub lunch at The Shire Horse afterwards, (lifts available). As a few members of the Sides team aren’t available on 2nd February we will be holding a second meeting later in the Spring so everyone has the opportunity for a catch-up and a refresher.