Street Angels


Street Angels continues to provide an invaluable ministry on the streets of Maidenhead.   A team is on duty every Saturday night and on the last Friday of each month (payday).


Below is an image of the Street Angels at work and following that a description of the work undertaken.


A link to the Street Angels Maidenhead Facebook page can be found here.


At present All Saints has one active Angel.   Whatever impression you may have of the work involved, do please consider coming out for an hour and get a taste of this fascinating opportunity to help people in our community. Indeed, they are our neighbours. Perhaps the hardest thing is to suppress the feeling that when people get into difficulties, it is all self-inflicted and does not deserve our help.   Consider what Jesus might have said.


When you come out for a taster session you would be with experienced Angels and that would provide an opportunity to ask them what it is really like.   Please contact either Jeanette Lock or Mike Moss, via the Parish Office, who will be delighted to arrange a taster session for you.