Christian Aid Week 10-16th May is NOT Cancelled - See Service, giving and Fr Jeremys walk information....
Fr Jeremy's two hour walk with Lilly and Monika has been completed in support of Christian Aid Week - Please donate if you feel able to....
Christian Aid Week has NOT been cancelled but because of the COVID-19 outbreak it has been changed. This year none of the usual activities, including ‘House to House’ collections will take place but there will still be opportunities to worship together and to donate.
An online service via ‘Zoom’ will be taking place at 17.00 hrs (5.00 pm) on Sunday May 10th and can be accessed via:
The service will also be recorded for those unable to participate at the time. Please see more details about the service below.
A ‘Justgiving’ page has also been set up for donations, this can be found at:
Fr Jeremy is repeating his run around his garden for Christian Aid on 17th May and would be grateful for your sponsorship using the Justgiving page.
Although there will be other ways to donate including E-envelopes and directly to the Christian Aid website or by post, it would be great if as many people as possible could use the ‘Justgiving’ page. By so doing Christian Aid will be able to monitor the response from our area which in past years has been excellent.
I would commend Christian Aid’s work to you all and humbly ask you to respond both by prayer, and financially as much as you are able to further their work with the poor and underprivileged of this world. Please spread the word, safely and as much as you are able to friends and family so that Maidenhead’s tradition of care and generosity can be maintained, even in these very testing times.
Thank you for your prayers and for all you are able to do.
This Christian Aid Week, why not virtually gather with other supporters as we host a virtual Christian Aid Service! A special service as it links people in both Maidenhead and Marlow.
Sunday May 10th at 5pm
Venue: Your choice! Living room? Kitchen? Study? Conservatory? Bedroom?
We would love you to join us using Zoom. If you need help using Zoom, please get in touch (see below for telephone number) and we can try and help! You can phone in to hear, or you can use your computer/tablet/smart phone.
We look forward to seeing you as we gather on the same day as other Christian Aid supporters around the UK. It would be good if you could have a bowl of water, a little bit of soap, and a towel with you for the service.
Zoom Details
Join Zoom Meeting: Meeting ID: 255 773 1522
Dial by your location
0203 481 5237, or 0203 481 5240