John Ainslie’s Ordination to the Diaconate

Posted by R.Broad on July 5, 2017

On Saturday 1st July 2017 at Christ Church Cathedral Oxford, The Revd John Ainslie was ordained as a Deacon in the Church of England. John who has served All Saints, Boyne Hill contributing in so many ways towards building the Body of Christ was supported at the Cathedral by his family, people from Boyne hill and from former parishes including Guildford.

John served a full term as church warden at All Saints, contributed to the work to repair the spire and helped with the 150th celebrations in 2007. John has also been a server, sub-deacon and offered pastoral support over many years will be missed by the people of All Saints. One of the roles that he always enjoyed was sharing the leadership of the annual pilgrimage to Walsingham.

Everyone at All Saints wishes John every happiness as he serves his curacy in the Cookhams and we all pray that God will bless him in his future ministry. The pictures show John with the Bishop of Oxford following his ordination and with colleagues past and future, also at the celebration party at All Saints.


Fr Jeremy Harris, Vicar of All Saints