Operation Christmas Child 2024 Shoebox Appeal

Packing shoeboxes for the Operation Christmas Child shoebox appeal has become an important part of our ministry in recent years. This will be our 12th year of taking part and during this time we have donated over 720.
We plan to follow the same model as last year. There are 3 ways that you can contribute:
Shoebox Online - you can select your gifts online and Operation Christmas Child will pack and send your shoebox for you. We have our own page this year again, so we can track how many boxes we send. Click on this link https://www.samaritans-purse.org.uk/operation-christmas-child/shoebox-online/goalpage/MzIxMA%3D%3D (or copy the address into your browser) to pack a shoebox or go to https://www.samaritans-purse.org.uk/what-we-do/operation-christmas-child/ for more information. It costs £25.
Donation –If you’re not keen on the online option, you can make a monetary contribution. You can do this by making an online bank transfer or writing a cheque to the church - or by giving cash. Cheques or cash can be left in the small box for this purpose at the back of church – or give them directly to Jenny. If you can donate £25, the cost of a full shoebox, that would be great, but smaller donations are gratefully received too. Please mark any donations clearly as being for the ‘Shoebox appeal’.
Your own shoebox –You could pack your own complete shoebox. Some of you have done this previously. Go to https://www.samaritans-purse.org.uk/what-we-do/operation-christmas-child/ and choose ‘How to pack a shoebox’ for more information. As you may remember, there are some items not allowed and these are listed on the website – and it may give you some inspiration too! The nearest drop off point is The Kidwells Centre, 41 Marlow Road, Maidenhead, SL6 7AQ. This will be open from on weekdays between 10am – 5.00 pm from 11 th – 18th November.
Please don’t bring your shoeboxes to the church.