Proposed Parking Restrictions in Boyn Hill Road
Update -- Many thanks to everyone who responded - the results were:-
Do you agree with the proposals
Yes - 13% (5 responses)
No - 87% (33 responses)
It is proposed to make Boyn Hill Road residents only parking from 11:00am to 1:00 pm SEVEN days per week.
This means that Parking would NOT be available beside the Church and Graveyard to All Saints Congregation and Community Users for some of the Services and Baptism's on Sundays and also for Weddings and Funerals. This will also impact upon users of the Parish Centre and mid-week services.
As the restrictions are being put in place to prevent commuter parking we do not believe that they are justified on Saturdays and Sundays. We also believe that the restricted periods could be amended Mon-Fri to achieve the desired impact upon commuter parking without causing such a major inconvenience to the congregation, community and users of All Saints from Windsor and Maidenhead.
If you wish to object to the proposals, with your personal views, we would urge you to:-
- Write directly to the council - contact Ben Smith, Head of Highways and Transport
- Write to your Ward Councillor
- Fill in the Council Consultation Survey on-line (Google RBWM and Parking Consultations)
- Sign the Petition at the back of the Church
- Check the Church web-site for updates
Thank you for your support.