Thy Kingdom Come & Pray as You Go

Posted by R.Broad on May 15, 2018

This Pray as You Go link has been discussed in recent sermons and is covered in Fr. Jeremy's explanation below:-


‘Thy Kingdom Come’


The two Archbishops of Canterbury and York have invited the congregations of the Church of England to pray to receive the Holy Spirit. During the period from the 10th May until the 20th May and Pentecost Sunday we will be using different styles of prayer to discover and experience the presence of Jesus in our lives. The Archbishops write, ‘Jesus Christ is the Saviour of the World. He brings us hope. Christian disciples are made alive by his saving grace in the power of the Holy Spirit to witness to this living hope. The difference that the love of Jesus brings to individuals and the world is eternally transformative. When Jesus teaches his disciples to pray, he puts the cry, ‘Thy Kingdom come’ on their lips. When we pray for the coming of the Kingdom we are praying for the difference Jesus makes. In the days between Ascension Day and Pentecost we pray for the fresh outpouring of the Holy Spirit throughout the Church. We do this, so that, filled with the life- giving Spirit, we are enabled to proclaim and bear witness to the Good News of Jesus Christ.’


We hope that our families, friends and everyone in our communities will experience the presence of Jesus in their lives and notice the difference he makes. At All Saints we are offering the following suggestions;


  1. Using the 9 day Novena following Biblical readings and reflections.
  2. Using Morning and Evening Prayers
  3. Offering the Jesuit ‘Pray as you Go’ daily prayers from the Jesuits in Britain. This is an excellent resource that helps people throughout the year to follow daily readings with music and reflections. Please support the ministry of the Jesuits who have produced this outstanding resource.

We warmly welcome people to our Eucharist weekly at 8am and 10am on Sundays at All Saints, Boyne Hill. On the 20th May we will at both services be celebrating Pentecost.


With my prayers,

Fr Jeremy , Vicar of All Saints, Boyne Hill, Maidenhead